Monday, November 12, 2007

for the Ancestor Clive Bradley's earthday

The New York Times acknowledged that "Mr. Bradley was one of the most skillful and admired practitioners of a longstanding Carnival tradition".

Clive Bradley
Veteran Steelband Arranger

ogun lives on (for clive bradley)

was up spring flow road
we met and it was raining
sxango was peeling. So
we sheltered under a mango tree
discussing heritage issues
both adamant of the need
to protect the arts for prosperity
he agreed with a sparkle in his eyes
reminding me of struggle for pan
plus where it was today
i countered i was a writer
and he smiled at me suggesting
that one day too i would stand sheltering
from yemanja here
to yet tell a youth
just as he was doing same
i queried whether he understood
power of Orishas
protecting our PAN
he accepted ...
so today i shout:
Ogun lives on...

as i pour libations for this the general...
whose music
and company i am proud
to announce i had
pleasure to enjoy

poem published as tribute
on panonthenet

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


choices made... worry not
taps remain dry and dey rejoice
no beds in de hospital
dey rejoice

crime rampant
dey rejoice

dem made a choice albeit not a popular one

Monday, November 05, 2007

orange revolution-Trinidad & Tobago voting

sober with silence
orderly out their homes
seasoned an' virgin devotees
cherishing right to
cast hopes
an' dreams in a booth
evidenced by a stained index finger

were the pollsters correct?
did the marginals suffice?
would the masses be set free?

shall our voices be raised victorious in the streets?

tis' revolution of colour promised

roi kwabena